All Day Closure: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
Clearview Local Schools are closed Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 due to extreme cold weather. 
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History of the Clearview Educational Endowment Fund

At a school board meeting in 1988, a revolutionary idea was presented at a seminar attended by Bob Hancock and then school board superintendent Wayne Ross.

A funeral director from East Liverpool, Ohio, explained how his local school system has devised a way to raise money for non-mandated programs that would help enhance the educational opportunities of the children.

Mr. Dawson, the funeral director, presented the endowment fund concept to the audience. Money donated to the endowment would be invested professionally and only the interest accrued by these investments would be used to offer scholarships and additional learning opportunities to students. In essence, a donation to the endowment fund would live forever because only the interest it generated would be spent. 

Intrigued, Mr. Hancock and Mr. Ross set into motion the basis for the creation of the Clearview Educational Endowment Funds. It has been in existence since June 1988. An initial Board of Trustees was installed to help further the growth of the Clearview Fund. The Board consisted of, Jim Trimble (CHS 1955), Larry Schneppe (resident), Anna Caldwell (parent, resident), Beverly Burkey Sams (CHS1965 and Alumni Association Pres.), Erlinda Bibbee (Clearview Teacher) and Bob Hancock (Clearview Board of Education representative).

It might interest you to know that Lorain City Schools was the first school system in the nation to implement the endowment fund concept, up to that point used primarily only in the private sector. You may also not know that the Lorain County leads the country in the number of school endowment program in existence. 

Our Board of Trustees have changes some faces and expanded to better incorporate our community and our alumni. You can see from the list of trustees, that we have a wide variety of involvement, including, alumni, parents, administrators, teachers and boosters. 

Since its inception, we have had individual scholarship funds created in memory of Clearview graduates and community members.

Your monetary gift to the Clearview Educational Endowment Fund is one that will last a lifetime. Your donation is never spent – only the interest earned from your donation can be used. Your gift combined with the monetary donations of others can work wonders for the children of Clearview. 

Our work has just begun. This fund will be in existence for your children and grandchildren for generations to come. Help us in our efforts to provide an exceptional Clearview education. 

Thank you to Robert Hancock for the Foundation history!

Donation Categories


Fine & Performing Arts


Academic Excellence


Facilities & Grounds


“Dusty Futrall Memorial”

to be awarded to a female student athlete in memory of Dusty Futrall CHS 1989.

“Cheryl Thomas Memorial”

to be awarded to a student entering the music field in memory of Cheryl Thomas CHS 1986.

“Dante Mercurio Memorial”

awarded annually to a student in memory of Dante (Don) Mercurio who was a resident and strong booster of Clearview and the community.

“Julie Hancock Memorial”

to be awarded annually to a student who has excelled in art or athletics at CHS. Julie Hancock, CHS 1982, was a strong, competitive, determined woman and this scholarship is given in memory of her accomplishments as both an athlete and an artist.

“Shalimar Fanning Memorial”

to be awarded annually to a student in memory of Shalimar Fanning who was a graduate, an employee, a coach, friend, and supporter of Clearview High School. The criteria for this scholarship is to be determined by Bruce Fanning in collaboration with the guidance department and the high school principal.

“Taylor Pruchnicki Memorial”

created in memory of Taylor Pruchnicki.

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Clearview Local Schools
4700 Broadway Avenue Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: 440.233.5412 | Fax: 440-233-6034
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