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Clearview Curriculum Maps

The following curriculum maps outline the state standards that are covered within classes in the Clearview Local Schools. They serve as an outline and schedule of when standards are taught during the course of a calendar school year. The maps serve as working documents; they are reviewed and updated on an annual basis by Clearview teachers to meet the needs of diverse learners in the school district. 
Dr. Paul Kish
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Clearview Local Schools
(440) 233-3805
Ohio Department of Education State Standards
The Ohio Department of Education provides Ohio State Learning Standards the are used in the creation of Clearview Curriculum Maps. Click on the link below to access the ODE website that reviews standards for all grade levels and courses. 
Ohio's Strategic Plan for Education
Each Child, Our Future is Ohio’s shared plan for ensuring that each student is challengedprepared and empowered for his or her future by way of an excellent prekindergarten through grade 12 (preK-12) education. The plan’s purpose: to lift aspirations, create hope and excitement, guide development of state-level education policies and promote high-quality educational practices across the state. 
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Clearview Local Schools
4700 Broadway Avenue Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: 440.233.5412 | Fax: 440-233-6034
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