All Day Closure: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025
Clearview Local Schools are closed Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 due to extreme cold weather. 
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District Leadership Team Visits the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, GA

Dr. Davis Shares Daily Black History Month Facts

Observing Veterans Day with Vincent Elementary Students and Staff

Rest In Peace Steve Nagy

Students and Staff from Clearview High School, Durling Middle School and I were able to show our respect for fallen Air Force Pilot, Steve Nagy.

"To our fallen soldiers....You have done your duty.  To honor you is ours."

It is that time of year again.  You will soon see the buses coming down the street and students standing at the bus stops.   Yes, that means it is almost time for school to start.  The first day of our 2021-2022 school year will begin on August 18th.   Personally, I am super excited to welcome back all of our students and see their smiling faces in the hallways while laughing and talking to each other. The last year and a half brought a little apprehension, timidity, and solemnity, but this year we will be back in the full swing of things.  Students will be back to their normal 5-day school week in person.  For some, this will be a little bit of an adjustment, but I have confidence that everything will fall into place.  Students and staff will be adjusted and back to their normal routines in no time at all.   


We desire to have a culture of POSITIVITY here in the Clearview Local Schools district.  We are passionate about the education of our students and will diligently strive to make sure each of our students have positive educational experiences.  


We are still following CDC and LCPH department guidelines.


 VES/DMS/CHSMasks are optional for grades K-12.  However, masks are strongly recommended for all unvaccinated individuals and those who are age 11 and younger.


BUSES - CDC orders currently state that passengers and drivers must wear a mask on school buses.  Therefore, masks are mandatory on all bus rides.


Hand sanitizer is available throughout each building.   However, hand washing with soap and water, on a regular basis, is strongly recommended.  
Anyone with covid symptoms should stay home until they are seen by a doctor.


Anyone who is sick should also stay home.

We have a few new people joining the Clearview family.  We would like to extend a hearty welcome to the following:

Joan Keppler                             CHS Guidance Counselor
Aurea Fisher                             CHS Health/PE
Elizabeth Krajcik                      VES Kindergarten
Meghan Prebul                          VES Gifted Intervention

We are also aware that hybrid and virtual learning was not the ideal situation for some of our students.  Therefore, we are bringing on several academic coaches this year.   Academic coaches will be in each building assisting teachers and students with interventions in all academic areas.  


As a reminder, we are using FinalForms for many of our online documents.  Please make sure that you go into FinalForms and complete all necessary paperwork (i.e., Emergency Medical Authorization Forms, Physical Forms, Acceptable Use Agreement, etc.).


I look forward to a fantastic year here in the Clearview Local Schools.  My door is always open.  Feel free to stop by and visit, call @ 440.233.5412 and/or [email protected]


Dr. Jerome M. Davis, Superintendent

Dr. Jerome M. Davis, Superintendent
Superintendent's Spotlight Article
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Spreading Positivity
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